Actions for Palestine

Philadelphia Palestinian Americans

Together we can make the difference


October 2024 : 

Join us at Cottman Avenue and Castor Avenue at 4:00 PM to hear stories from Palestinian community members and walk in solidarity with them.

4 PM at Cottman Avenue and Castor Avenue

On this day, we remember that history did not begin in 2023. For 75 years, Palestinians have lived under systems of martial law, occupation, apartheid, and siege. Join us at Cottman Avenue and Castor Avenue at 4:00 PM to hear stories from Palestinian community members and walk in solidarity with them.


For Palestine in Philadelphila

Not Another Bomb

As the Democratic Party and Harris campaign prepare to head to the Democratic National Convention this month, join us in sending a message — Philadelphians call for not another bomb!

We know that in order to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the U.S. must stop arming Israel’s genocide against Palestinians. 

While our tax dollars are being sent to fund death abroad, Philadelphia schools and neighborhoods go under-resourced, and many of us struggle to make ends meet. 

That’s why, on 8/18, Philadelphia is turning out in support for an immediate embargo on US arms to Israel. 

We are calling on President Biden and VP Harris to stand with the people and finally end US military support for Israel’s genocide against Palestinians.  

CAIR-Philadelphia's Gaza Billboard Campaign

Update 11/10/2023: With deep gratitude for our community’s overwhelming support, we are increasing our goal to $45K to:

• Achieve greater visibility through additional billboards.

• Explore print advertising venues.

• Support outreach in Lehigh Valley, Central and Western PA, and in Delaware.

• Support upcoming mobilizations across the region.


Ceasefire NOW. Alhamdulillah we are honored to serve our community by facilitating this billboard currently running across four locations (5th billboard forthcoming thanks to your generosity!) in the broader Philadelphia region.

We would like to thank the unmatched leadership and collaboration of Mazen Khalil, Mohammed Abulaban, MSDV, Philadelphia Alliance of Muslim Mothers, and particularly Noor Bowman in making this campaign possible. A group of generous donors have agreed to cover a portion of the cost but we still need your help to continue this campaign and other advocacy efforts.

These billboards allow us to share the unfiltered message of Palestine directly with the public and reaching diverse audiences who may be unaware of the truth.

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