Philadelphia Palestinian Americans

Together we can make the difference

To empower and support the Palestinian community in Philadelphia by promoting cultural heritage, fostering unity, advocating for social justice, and facilitating access to resources and opportunities. We strive to sustain our Palestinian identity and roots, celebrate diversity, and work towards a just and equitable society for all Palestinians in Philadelphia and beyond.

To unite and empower the Palestinian American Community.

 To create a Palestinian-American Cultural locus in Philadelphia.

To promote cultural and humanitarian programs that support our diaspora and compatriots in our homeland.

To develop programs and functions that will serve and improve our community’s standing.

To foster cross-cultural exchange and mutual solidarity to support and uplift all communities in struggle.

Our objective

The Palestinian community in Philadelphia aims to achieve its goals through various initiatives and activities.

‘We never left’

"We are the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims; we lived, converted between religions, settled from pilgrims, left and returned, mixed with our conquerors, died by their swords, and nourished her soil with our bodies. But we never left. But we never left. But we never left ".

A poem by Susan Abulhawa 

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